Fake accounts are most common in social media platforms. Especially many men create fake accounts in the name of girls in order to gain attention. But recently a fake account has crossed the limits.
A man created a fake account in twitter in the name of Alekhya Reddy. Pretending to be Pawan Kalyan fan, he was very active with that account and gained huge 37 thousand followers.
Recently he(in the name of Alekhya Reddy) claimed that he has few health issues and requested money from followers. Many followers sent huge money and reportedly a follower has even bought a mobile phone for him.
Somehow while receiving this mobile phone, his scam came into limelight and everyone got to known that it is a fake account in the name of a girl. As the issue got bigger, that man admitted his scam and requested followers not to give any complaint and deactivated that account. So beware of fake accounts in social media.
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A man created a fake account in twitter in the name of Alekhya Reddy. Pretending to be Pawan Kalyan fan, he was very active with that account and gained huge 37 thousand followers.
Recently he(in the name of Alekhya Reddy) claimed that he has few health issues and requested money from followers. Many followers sent huge money and reportedly a follower has even bought a mobile phone for him.
Somehow while receiving this mobile phone, his scam came into limelight and everyone got to known that it is a fake account in the name of a girl. As the issue got bigger, that man admitted his scam and requested followers not to give any complaint and deactivated that account. So beware of fake accounts in social media.
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