Ahead of Power Star Pawan Kalyan's birthday which is on September 2, his fans are going to release the common display picture today. On account of this, they are celebrating in twitter with the hashtag #PawanKalyanBirthdayCDP.
Earlier Super Star Mahesh Babu fans created world record on his birthday with humongous 60+ million tweets. Now Pawan Kalyan fans are eyeing to break this record with this Common Display picture trend itself and trying to put their hashtag at first place in the world's biggest trends.
As of now they are on TOP in chasing the target as they completed over 18 million tweets already. At this current speed they can easily break the world record of 60.3 million tweets by Mahesh fans. However they have to maintain the same pace throughout the trend to achieve this huge target. Looking at the current speed they are all set to create new world record for sure.
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Earlier Super Star Mahesh Babu fans created world record on his birthday with humongous 60+ million tweets. Now Pawan Kalyan fans are eyeing to break this record with this Common Display picture trend itself and trying to put their hashtag at first place in the world's biggest trends.
As of now they are on TOP in chasing the target as they completed over 18 million tweets already. At this current speed they can easily break the world record of 60.3 million tweets by Mahesh fans. However they have to maintain the same pace throughout the trend to achieve this huge target. Looking at the current speed they are all set to create new world record for sure.
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