Gorgeous Diva Kajal Agarwal's film career has almost reached the finishing line. She is hardly getting the offers and even those are from senior heroes and tier 2 and 3 heroes movies. Therefore now she is in plans of her marriage.
Earlier there were lot of rumours that Kajal's parents are looking for a perfect bride groom for her. As her younger sister Nisha Agarwal got married long back and has a son too, her parents don't want to delay any more. However a shocking buzz regarding her marriage is circulating around now.
As per close sources, Kajal has already got engaged. She doesn't want anyone to know about this, therefore everything was done confidentially. Reportedly she got engaged to a man named 'Gautam'.
However she invited her closest friend in the industry Bellam Konda Srinivas to the engagement and that thread lead the news to reach media.
However there is no confirmation on this yet, and only Kajal knows the truth. If this turns true, we have to see when she will open up.
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Earlier there were lot of rumours that Kajal's parents are looking for a perfect bride groom for her. As her younger sister Nisha Agarwal got married long back and has a son too, her parents don't want to delay any more. However a shocking buzz regarding her marriage is circulating around now.
As per close sources, Kajal has already got engaged. She doesn't want anyone to know about this, therefore everything was done confidentially. Reportedly she got engaged to a man named 'Gautam'.
However she invited her closest friend in the industry Bellam Konda Srinivas to the engagement and that thread lead the news to reach media.
However there is no confirmation on this yet, and only Kajal knows the truth. If this turns true, we have to see when she will open up.
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