Ram Gopal Varma has been completely utilising the lockdown phase as he has been making back to back movies and releasing on his own platform RGV world theatre. After Climax, Naked, and Power Star, Ram Gopal Varma is coming with his next movie titled 'Thriller' starring Apsara Rani and Rock Kachchi. The trailer of the movie was released today.
As expected the trailer is entirely focused on showcasing her glamour in lewd camera angles. Seems like the story is all about a young couple getting intimate in a building and strange incidents happening around them.
As there is no Censorship, RGV has been completely taking advantage of it. More than the 'thriller' elements, trailer is overloaded with vulgarity and boldness with Apsara Rani's over the limit glamour show. We have to see whether there is any justification to the title 'Thriller', atleast in the movie or not.
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As expected the trailer is entirely focused on showcasing her glamour in lewd camera angles. Seems like the story is all about a young couple getting intimate in a building and strange incidents happening around them.
As there is no Censorship, RGV has been completely taking advantage of it. More than the 'thriller' elements, trailer is overloaded with vulgarity and boldness with Apsara Rani's over the limit glamour show. We have to see whether there is any justification to the title 'Thriller', atleast in the movie or not.
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