RAM GOPAL VARMA: The Master Mind in marketing, BUT!!

Ram Gopal Varma, the name that does not need any introduction. The name that was a sensation long back. The name that was heard all over India. Once upon a time he was a trend setter. But now the coin was flipped. The ship was drowned. The man who made trendsetting movies is now making adult movies. The man who worked with Indian Cinema Monster Amitabh Bhachan, is now working with cast whose faces are never known to people. The reason might be any but RGV has completely spoiled his career. But regarding marketing, he is still a mastermind.

Currently, the movies he is making are worse but the profits he is making are decent. The reason behind this is surely his marketing mind. He knows how to do promotions and also he got great vision. He read the current situation perfectly and he was one of the first to release movies in digital platforms due to theatres shutdown. He released two films in his streaming platforms. Even though both got negative reviews, they brought him good profits. ''Climax'' movie made 1 crore and even ''Naked'' got nearly 80 lakhs to 1 Crore. The budget of the two movies together is nearly 40 lakhs. So he got good profits irrespective of the reviews.
So we can give credit to the marketing mind he got but as a director he sank down further more. Hope he realizes it but unfortunately it is too late.

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